Headshot of designer, Vanessa Diamos (she/her)

Hi, MY NAME IS Vanessa!

I am a graphic designer interested in packaging and sustainability. I’m line-obsessed, type-focused, and color-consumed. After graduating with a BFA in Graphic Design from Texas Tech University, I designed products and packaging for a children’s merchandise wholesale retailer. My interest in advocacy and giving back led me to work with state-level nonprofit organizations in Austin, Texas. I explored the question of how graphic design intersects with sustainability while pursuing my MFA in Design at the University of Texas at Austin.

My hobbies include crafting, eating at foodie destinations, collecting screen printed posters, and disassembling packages to figure out its template. I hope to take my cat out paddleboarding on Town Lake one day (ha!).

This website is evolving, and as am I! New content will be added while I continue to learn new programs everyday.